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I am an observational astronomer interested in galaxy formation and evolution. I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics, University of North Texas, and a Visiting Scientist at Carnegie ObservatoriesI am particularly interested in better understanding how the gaseous reservoir of a galaxy determines the course of its evolution over cosmic time. 


A self portrait taken during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in January 2021. I was glad to be alive and healthy, but I was also starting to experience cabin fever.



Galaxy formation and evolution

The co-evolution between galaxies and the circumgalactic medium over cosmic time

2013 - 2019

The University of Chicago

Ph.D. in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Chemical enrichment in and around distant galaxies

Using gas metallicity and elemental abundance ratios as fossil record of chemical enrichment history in the gaseous halos. 

Feedback in massive and quiescent halos

What do the extended gaseous halos of massive "red and dead" galaxies tell us about how massive galaxies grow and evolve?

2013 - 2015

The University of Chicago

M.S. in Astronomy and Astrophysics

2009 - 2013

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

S.B. in Physics, with concentrations in Astronomy and Music (inducted into Phi Betta Kappa)

Background Image: The doubly lensed QSO Q0957+561. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA


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